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Django Authentication Video Tutorial

Django Authentication Video Tutorial
Updated at Nov 8, 2018: New video added to the series: How to integrate Django forms with Bootstrap 4.

In this tutorial series, we are going to explore Django’s authentication system by implementing sign up, login, logout, password change, password reset and protected views from non-authenticated users. This tutorial is organized in 8 videos, one for each topic, ranging from 4 min to 15 min each.


Starting a Django project from scratch, creating a virtual environment and an initial Django app. After that, we are going to setup the templates and create an initial view to start working on the authentication.

If you are already familiar with Django, you can skip this video and jump to the Sign Up tutorial below.

Sign Up

First thing we are going to do is implement a sign up view using the built-in UserCreationForm. In this video you are also going to get some insights on basic Django form processing.


In this video tutorial we are going to first include the built-in Django auth URLs to our project and proceed to implement the login view.


In this tutorial we are going to include Django logout and also start playing with conditional templates, displaying different content depending if the user is authenticated or not.

Password Change

Next The password change is a view where an authenticated user can change their password.

Password Reset

This tutorial is perhaps the most complicated one, because it involves several views and also sending emails. In this video tutorial you are going to learn how to use the default implementation of the password reset process and how to change the email messages.

Protecting Views

After implementing the whole authentication system, this video gives you an overview on how to protect some views from non authenticated users by using the @login_required decorator and also using class-based views mixins.

Bootstrap 4 Forms

Extra video showing how to integrate Django with Bootstrap 4 and how to use Django Crispy Forms to render Bootstrap forms properly. This video also include some general advices and tips about using Bootstrap 4.


If you want to learn more about Django authentication and some extra stuff related to it, like how to use Bootstrap to make your auth forms look good, or how to write unit tests for your auth-related views, you can read the forth part of my beginners guide to Django: A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Django - Part 4 - Authentication.

Of course the official documentation is the best source of information: Using the Django authentication system

The code used in this tutorial:

This was my first time recording this kind of content, so your feedback is highly appreciated. Please let me know what you think!

And don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel! I will post exclusive Django tutorials there. So stay tuned! :-)